______________________________________________________________ Teacher: Where does God live?
Little boy: I think he lives in our bathroom.
Teacher: Why do you say that?
Little boy: Well, every morning my daddy bangs on the door and says, 'God, are you still in there?' _______________________________________________________________
Sunday, July 17, 2005
where is God ;-) ?
Posted by Viji Sundararajan at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
This is how Software Engineers jump from company to company!!!
Posted by Viji Sundararajan at 1:04 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 11, 2005
Ever heard of Salami bread?
I have never heard/thought about this "Salami Bread" until last Friday. I bought freshly baked bread from super market and saw some raisins in the bread. Cool, I like them anyway. When I was ready to eat could smell something weird. Sure, it is from the bread, as nothing else was being cooked at that time/outside.
Great! The brown round things weren’t raisins, its salami. Oops..now it is Salami bread, followed by my Fish croissants. Why does it happen to me often? I know,it’s my fault. I should have learnt French before, so that i can read the details before buying. For some reasons, I never felt like learning french. Anyway, never too late, now is the time. I have enrolled myself into a French course which starts in mid of July.Finally, yesterday went to “Lake Geneva” and invited some 20 pigeons and 10 sparrows to have lunch with me. While I was eating my Mac-D meals, they were enjoying their Salami bread. I have noticed this even before as well, all these birds, fishes, etc whenever you try to feed them something, they come and fight for the food and eat the food as if they haven’t eaten anything for ages. This saddens me.
Why is this so? Of course, whom will they tell they are hungry and where will they get a regular supply of food from? I know some people have the opinion that we shouldn’t cage birds at home, as their freedom is spoiled (remember சின்னதம்பி movie song – குயிலை புடிச்சு கூண்டில் அடச்சு பாட சொல்லுகிற உலகம்). In my opinion, at least when they are in the cage, for sure they get a food/there is someone who cares for it, isn’t it?? hmm…..anyways, it was nice watching them move and eat. O! Is this called Bird watching ;-)??
Posted by Viji Sundararajan at 5:47 PM 4 comments