I went to "Eric Emery"(bakery opposite to my apartment) on Sunday morning at 10am to buy breakfast as I was fed up of having cornflakes during weekdays. There was a long queue outside the shop (reminded me of Indian ration shops) and I too happily joined this queue. When my turn came, I was tempted to buy this mini croissants (with dark brown coating in the pale yellow color) and to add the fuel, the lady who stood before me in the queue bought 12 of them. Then I too bought four of them, ignoring my original plan of buying just the normal croissant.Came home and reheated them in microwave for 10 seconds, and then there was fish smell all around when I opened the oven. No doubts. The smell was from them. The dark brown stuff wasn't chocolate, it was FISH. Anyways, as I DO eat non-vegetarian gulped them with the help of 2-3 glasses of Orange Juice. But, my taste buds which were craving for a delicious breakfast were really disappointed by these fish tablets.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sunday Morning Disappointment:
Posted by Viji Sundararajan at 3:01 PM